Friday, August 28, 2009


I recently had the opportunity to join the Broadway Cast of Hair. Now, normally, getting a new gig would not spark such a need for discussion or sharing. That being said this past month really opene dmy eyes to a lot of things. Don't worry i wont bore you with most of them. The main thing is that being a part of this show really restored my faith in humanity. Sometimes we can et so caught up in our own lives, problems, and issues that we forget to look at the big picture. For years I wondered if my generation would stand for something. In looking back i see that we will stand for a lot of things.

Prop 8 really brought this generation together and motivated us to stand, protest, march, and strive to make a change. I thin now we see more young Americans really pumped and excited about our nation and politics.

Being a part of Hair opene dmy eyes to this and also showed me that I too can do so much more. I am using this moment as a personal plea to everyone to help create change in our nation. hair, a show form so many years ago, that stood for something much larger than it is today is still moving and changing lives.

Every night for a little over a month, I got to go out and make a difference, or spark a conversation, or open an eye. Now I want to be able to do this on a daily basis. No! I'm not becoming so activist that will raise hell across America, but from this monet forward, everything will make a difference or at least be a building block to do so.

Thanks for listening...

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