Friday, April 10, 2009

Late Entry ( Travel Drama)

OK i think i am officially the travel sloth of the world. I found myself having to fly out of Chicago on Sunday to be in in NYC for auditions all day Monday and Tuesday. This seemed like a great plan since a snow storm would roll into Chicago on Monday morning.

Well, Sunday after my matinee we get slammed with the biggest sleet storm I had ever seen i my life followed by snow the seemed to never let up. After the evening show I head right to the Airport for a 9:15 flight. After hours and hours of changing gates and trying to locate a pilot and treating wings for Ice etc..... we finally pulled out of the gate just after midnight. I got home after 4 in the morning to simply jump up and head out to auditions all day.

The Wiz auditiotn went very well and they asked me to come back the following day with more material etc... blah blah blah and we like your work etc etc.... you know... the usual.

Ill talk more about the auditions later, but to add more stress to my travel plans..... I get to the airport Wednesday Morning and the sky's are clear. My flight is on time etc. I'm a little stressed because i have to make it back to Chicago in time for a matinee..

I'm at the gate and my flight leaves at 9:50 boarding begins at 9:20. Well, at 9:20 all of a sudden the flight to Chicago is no longer on the board and no further information is available. I run to the Departures board and my flight is no where to be found. This cannot happen since I have a 30 minute window to get through issues before I'm late for work. UGH!!!! I call my stage manager freaked out.. and I tell him the news. he stays calm.... THANK GOD!!! I panic and call the airline. They tell me my flight has done final boarding and will be taking off soon. I guess no one on my flight knew that since we are ALL in the terminal confused and waiting for the same flight to board.

Well finally the flight leaves about an hour and a half late. I make it back to Chicago with only 30 minutes to spare before having to be at work. I just want to know what the airline Gods forsake me thus!!!

My agent just called and said I need to fly in again for the DreamGirls Tour.... ugh Please Airline Gods... please have pity on me and my nerves!!!!!!

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